should contain the camera patch. But somehow the Gold Edition doesn't include this one. Try patching SpellForce 2: Gold Edition out that the camera bug. Apr 11, 2008The Patch contains the fix for the so called Camerabugs and fixes the compatibility problem between SpellForce 2 Dragon Storm and SpellForce 2 Gold. Find all the latest SpellForce 2: the relatively rare camera bug, and fixes compatibility problem between SpellForce 2 Dragon Storm and SpellForce 2 Gold. Dec 02, 2016There's a wellknown game breaking camera bug in Spellforce 2 Shadow etc. Apparently the bug may be triggered only with the Gold Spellforce series Camera bug. Personnellement quand j'ai jou Spellforce 2 pour Je ne sais pas si il s'agit d'un bug ou Sauvegardez nouveau, il parat qu'avec le patch 1. SpellForce 2: Gold Edition Cheat Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, Downloads, Cheats Trainer, Tweaks Game Patch Fixes are featured on this page. This patch corrects the relatively rare camera bug, and fixes compatibility problem between SpellForce 2 Dragon Storm and SpellForce 2 Gold. JoWooD Productions Software AG Pyhrnstrae 40 A8940 Liezen, Austria Homepage JoWooD: Homepage SpellForce 2 Shadow Wars. JoWooD Productions releases an update for SpellForce 2 which solves multiplayer problems as well as the rarely occurring camera bug. The Patch works with SpellForce 2. With 10 Search Coil 5 Flat SH Free Supplies More. Sep 30, 2014Spellforce series Widescreen resolution for Spellforce 2 shadow (5 posts Spellforce series Widescreen resolution for Spellforce 2 shadow (5 posts) solved (5. Apr 11, 2008JoWooD Productions releases an update for SpellForce 2 which solves multiplayer problems as well as the rarely occurring camera bug. Aug 10, 2013How To Get SpellForce 2 Shadow Wars for FREE on PC 2: 13. Spellforce GOLD [MULTI2[1DVD5 Descargar e Instalar. Apr 11, 2008SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm Patch Released compatibility problem between SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm and SpellForce 2 Gold. stage 2 of our redesign new site to receive their feedback and bug hunting help and a few weeks ago we provided the. JoWooD Productions releases an update for SpellForce 2 which solves multiplayer problems as well as the rarely occurring camera bug. The Patch works with SpellForce 2. This is a well known bug which apparently is only triggered by the Gold this camera bug further A patch is available here. I never imagined that the version of Spellforce 2 included in the Universe set SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm Neuer Patch behebt KameraBug. 01 5 TRAINER; SpellForce Gold Edition; SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars; Apply the official SpellForce 2 v1. Jul 04, 2007And got problem with camera bug which the camera screw when you're trying talking to certain NPC. I'm just hope there is a patch to to restart Spellforce 2. SpellForce 2 Camera Bug Fix by gram.