The Ring of McAllister has 37 ratings and 4 reviews. Jackson said: Well I read this book to help me learn more vocabulary, but to be honest the only thin Find all available study guides and summaries for The Ring of McAllister by Robert Marantz. If there is a SparkNotes, Shmoop, or Cliff Notes guide, we will have it. Simon Schusters Classroom Activities for The Ring of McAllister By Robert Marantz ISBN: Each of the three activities includes. The Ring of McAllister By: Robert Marantz Robert Marant was a graduate of Cornell University and now lives in Los Angeles. He is a project manager for Kaplan, Inc and he cowrites preparation software. The Paperback of the The Ring of McAllister: A ScoreRaising Mystery Featuring 1, 046 MustKnow SAT Vocabulary Words Second Edition by Robert Marantz at Summary Unlike other SAT preparation books, The Ring of McAllister incorporates key SAT vocabulary right into the story. So rather than memorize lists and definitions. com description: Product Description: The Ring of McAllister features: Over 1, 000 frequently seen SAT words in an engaging novel format The Ring of McAllister: An SAT ScoreRaising Mystery Featuring 1, 046 MustKnow Vocabulary Words by Marantz, Robert available in Trade Paperback on Powells. Quizlet provides the ring of mcallister activities, flashcards and games. The Ring of McAllister is a mystery novel and SAT preparatory book written by Robert Marantz and published by Kaplan, Inc. that incorporates 1, 046 frequently seen SAT words, along with their definitions at the bottom of each page. The Ring of McAllister: A ScoreRaising Mystery Featuring 1, 000 MustKnow SAT Vocabulary Words by Robert Marantz starting at. The Ring of McAllister: A ScoreRaising. com: The Ring of McAllister: A ScoreRaising Mystery Featuring 1, 046 MustKnow SAT Vocabulary Words (Kaplan Test Prep) ( ): Robert Marantz: Books The Ring of McAllister is a mystery novel and SAT preparatory book written by Robert Marantz and published by Kaplan, Inc. that incorporates 1, 046 frequently seen SAT words, along with their definitions at the bottom of each page. Nov 16, 2004The Ring of McAllister has 70 ratings and 17 reviews. Ann said: The Ring of McAllister, a suspenseful, mysterious narrative, by Robert Marantz, features. The Ring of McAllister: An SAT ScoreRaising Mystery by Robert Marantz Will Lassiter has lived his whole life in the small town of Red Fork. How can the answer be improved. Start studying Ring of McAllister Chapter 18 and 19. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Ring of McAllister by Robert Marantz, 2007, Kaplan Pub. Jan 06, 2008can anyone give me a good and detailed brief summary on it? plz plz plz i need to do a paragraph summary on it but i hate reading and i tried looking it up. Ring Of Mcallister by Robert Marantz available in Trade Paperback on Powells. com, also read synopsis and reviews. By incorporating the vocabulary words students are. The Paperback of the The Ring of McAllister: A ScoreRaising Mystery Featuring 1, 046 MustKnow SAT Vocabulary Words by Robert Marantz at Barnes Noble Results for ring of mcalister. Narrow results: All Results; SparkNotes; Shakespeare; SparkLife